Our Commitment to Preventing
Nursing Home Neglect
One of our biggest specialties at Legal Genius is handling law suits regarding cases of nursing home neglect or abuse. We have put together a diverse team of highly qualified and compassionate professionals to handle your case if you suspect that your loved one is the victim of nursing home abuse or neglect.
This blog and our website are devoted to giving the public useful information about nursing home neglect law. We would like to have the opportunity to handle these particularly difficult cases for people who have been touched by this national tragedy. But, however we would like to do what we can to see a reduction in the number of nursing home abuse and neglect cases that ever have to come to law firms like ours.
This is why we are starting a series of articles on how to prevent abuse and neglect cases, by helping loved ones of nursing home patients to better understand the issues and signs related to detecting nursing home abuse or neglect early before it becomes a severe problem. The most important practice you can carry out is to visit your loved one not only often but at different times so the staff is very aware that you can become present at anytime.