Tuesday, October 28, 2014

How to Prevent Nursing Home Neglect or Abuse

Our Commitment to Preventing 
Nursing Home Neglect

One of our biggest specialties at Legal Genius is handling law suits regarding cases of nursing home neglect or abuse. We have put together a diverse team of highly qualified and compassionate professionals to handle your case if you suspect that your loved one is the victim of nursing home abuse or neglect.

This blog and our website are devoted to giving the public useful information about nursing home neglect law. We would like to have the opportunity to handle these particularly difficult cases for people who have been touched by this national tragedy. But, however we would like to do what we can to see a reduction in the number of nursing home abuse and neglect cases that ever have to come to law firms like ours.

This is why we are starting a series of articles on how to prevent abuse and neglect cases, by helping loved ones of nursing home patients to better understand the issues and signs related to detecting nursing home abuse or neglect early before it becomes a severe problem. The most important practice you can carry out is to visit your loved one not only often but at different times so the staff is very aware that you can become present at anytime.

Monday, October 20, 2014

Premises Liability

People who get hurt on another person’s property can potentially recover compensation for their injuries. Some common Premises Liability situations may include the following examples:

1. A case of Slip and Fall- A customer at a grocery store falls due to the store’s neglect to mop up their floor.
2. A case of Inadequate Maintenance- A tree branch falls on a passer by because of the Landlord’s lack of maintenance of the property.
3. A case of Defective Conditions- The owner of a store fails to repair a broken floor tile or warn customers of it.

If a person is injured on the property of another, the court will impose the Premises Liability law on the property owner if the owner owes the injured person a degree of care, and if that care was neglected.

When a person is invited and incurs an injury on the property, the property owner owes the invitee the highest level of care. An example of an invitee would be a customer at a grocery store, since grocery stores welcome customers to shop at their store. Because of that invite, the owner of the property is obligated to perform the highest levels of maintenance to insure that the store and its grounds are meeting required safety standards. If a Licensee visits a property where there is a lack of maintenance, the owner is usually obligated to treat that person with nearly the same level of care as they do an invitee. Trespassers are entitled to the least amount of care from the property owner, unless the property owner becomes aware of the trespasser, or if the trespasser is a child. If an employee is injured on a property, it is the Workers’ Compensation law, rather than the Premises Liability law that comes into effect.


The experts at Legal Genius can help you with your case and obtain, for you, the compensation that’s owed to you. Our firms extend through Michigan and across several surrounding states, such as: Ohio, Mississippi, Georgia, Indiana, Alabama, or Illinois. We even offer services to residents of Ontario and Toronto, Canada. For assistance, clients can fill out our contact forms, and one of our geniuses will respond to you promptly!

Saturday, October 18, 2014

Nursing Home Neglect

Although some people confuse Nursing Home Neglect with Nursing Home Abuse, the two are not the same thing. Nursing Home Neglect is when the elder’s needs, such as: assistance with bathing, hygiene, eating, and medical necessities are overlooked. At times, it may be difficult to identify cases of Nursing Home Neglect because there may be no physical signs present that would indicate any symptoms of neglect. What’s more, an elderly patient may not have regular contact with a family member; hence, it makes it more difficult for a person to observe any behavioral changes in the patient that would indicate neglect.

Examples of warning signs of Nursing Home Neglect can include:

1. An abrupt loss of weight.
2. Sores or ulcers.
3. Injuries from falls in the nursing home.
4. Dehydration/Malnutrition.
5. Unusual changes in social behavior toward the nursing home staff or other tenants there.

Elderly patients occupying negligent nursing homes are at a higher risk of infections, injuries, and/or death. Unfortunately, many cases of Nursing Home Neglect go unobserved and unaccounted for. Reporting a case of Nursing Home Neglect can often mean the difference between life and death for elderly patients. Among the signs of neglect are falls in the nursing home or the patient suffering from strangulation in his or her bed.

It is largely the responsibility of the nursing home staff to insure that there is no neglect toward the patients. The staff must stay on top of all safety concerns: including environmental, sanitary, and physical issues. Family members should keep in mind that the more often they visit the patient, the more likely it is that they will observe the warning signs of Nursing Home Neglect.


Among the many types of injury laws and cases that LegalGenius handles: Nursing Home Neglect is no exception. Our geniuses handle a large number of cases in Michigan, Ohio, Mississippi, Georgia, Indiana, Alabama, Illinois, and throughout the rest of the country. We also handle cases across the border, in Canada: including Ontario and Toronto. Just fill out one of our contact forms, and one of our geniuses will respond to you, promptly!

Monday, September 29, 2014

Georgia Premises Liability

In Georgia, claimants in premises liability suits must prove that the owner of the property was negligent and that negligence led directly to the incident of injury or harm. In this article we will go over the basics of Georgia premises liability law and some of its finer points. We will also explore how premises liability cases are handled if death occurs as a result of the premises negligence and then the case moves into the realm of Georgia wrongful death law.

Saturday, September 27, 2014

Mississippi Premises Liability and Slip and Fall Cases

A reasonable effort. That is what owners of property or premises owner in Mississippi are obligated to make in the case of making their premises safe for visitors. In Mississippi premises liability law, they are obligated to take remedial and reasonable efforts to protect visitors from dangerous conditions they have created or otherwise exist on their properties. Property and premise owners must also warn visitors of potentially dangerous conditions on their property.

Evaluating Cases

The extent and nature of the property or premise owner's duty, as seen by the Mississippi courts depends on the facts of each individual premises liability case.

Friday, September 26, 2014

Michigan Premises Liability

"Why were you on the property," is most likely the first question an attorney will ask you when you are asking about suing a property owner in Michigan for injury caused while on their property.

In Michigan premises liability law, there are three different possible kinds of statuses one can fall under when on someone's property:

Thursday, September 18, 2014

What Every Michigander Should Know About Nursing Home Neglect

If you are thinking about putting a loved one in a nursing home, there are some things you should understand about what kind of recourse you have if your loved one suffers abuse or neglect at the hands of the nursing home staff. This article will deal with the situation of nursing home neglect in Michigan specifically.

We will be posting articles in the future about the nursing home neglect issues specific to other states. But first let's look at legal environment in Michigan, in which nursing home neglect litigation resides.